The implementation of the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) redesigns the child welfare system to support prevention of out-of-home placement. This systemic change requires the child welfare system to realign service delivery to insure at-risk children and families are provided the best opportunities to remain intact.
As the system shift will continue, there are ongoing training needs for the provider community to gain understanding of alignment of practice change.
Training Opportunities
- Danger vs. Risk: As the Department of Human Services engages in the philosophical shift to child welfare, the relationship of identifying the need for out-of-home placement will begin to utilize a structure to assess Danger vs. Risk to make determinations for child safety. Learn more about this philosophical shift to align with goals to keep children safe and families together.
- SafeCare: An Overview for Iowa, Session #1: Watch this high-level Nuts and bolts SafeCare Video. This will help viewers learn the language, so anyone involved with the family receiving SafeCare can use the cohesive language and understand the modules of SafeCare.
- SafeCare: An Overview for Iowa, Session #2: Watch Part #2 of the Nuts and Bolts of SafeCare. The information will provide common language throughout the system and understand the modules for SafeCare.
- Family First, Family Centered & QRTP Fundamentals, Iowa DHS Training: Watch this video and learn about the fundamentals of Family First and the Family Centered and Qualified Residential Treatment Program Contracts. (Revised for QRTP & CWES Contracted Staff)