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Any child welfare provider can apply for a Relias account.  To date, through CWPTA funding, the Coalition hosts 600 training participants at any one time.  Organizations designate a Relias supervisor who has the authority to enroll and remove their employees (direct care and supervisor teammates) in the software system as necessary.  Once enrolled, those training participants can review and participate in courses relating to such topics as:        

a)       direct line staff basic (new hire) training;
b)      annual required trainings (CPR, mandatory reporter, HIPAA, fire safety, blood pathogen precautions, sexual harassment, cultural diversity);
c)       evidence-based treatment planning for a variety of mental health diagnoses;
d)      worker self-care strategies;
e)       juvenile justice overviews;
f)       best practices for direct care providers;
g)      in-depth review of mental health diagnoses;
h)      opioid and other drug abuse overviews;
i)        escorting and transporting youth to correctional facilities;
j)        court room decorum;
k)      harm reduction;
l)       crisis planning with families
m)    domestic violence tutorials; and
n)      HIV, Hepatitis, and Other Infectious Diseases


Many of the courses offer CEU credits for participants, but will need to be submitted by the participant for credits to count.  This is just a few examples of the modules available to providers participating in the Relias training portal.  These courses are available to enrolled training participants on a 24/7 basis.  Individuals may select courses from the library, complete the readings and exercises at their own pace, take the test, and print their certificate.