Our Mission: To Enhance the Collective Impact of Member Agencies' Services to Children and Families.
The Coalition was founded in 1979 to provide an organized vehicle for member agencies to improve services and impact public policy through combined resources and a unified voice. The Coalition’s members serve children and families in all 99 counties. What we do: The Coalition is a statewide organization and the Coalition's alliance of agencies provides a safety net to children and youth who have been abused/neglected and/or are in danger of this abuse/neglect and or are delinquent and/or have mental health needs. The Coalition is committed to building a better Iowa and strengthening Iowa families by focusing on 3 statewide initiatives:
Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination
To enhance the collective impact of member agencies' services to children and families, the Coalition for Family & Children’s Services in Iowa pledges to:
Building our DEI Commitment, we are especially concerned with creating space for difficult conversations, hearing the voices that are often unheard and unheeded, and providing leadership where it is needed in governance and operations. In doing so, we advance the Coalition’s mission while also providing culturally relevant service and value to members and society. -Board Approved 12-9-2021 |